Try out our materials

If you are still considering what material (natural stone, artificial stone, ceramics) choose to your kitchen top or paving, you have made a research on internet but still hesitate, then act. We send you a sample and you can make the final decision after you test it out by yourself!

Do you need help?

If you are at the beginning of decision process and you would appreciate word of advice then simply call us. We will briefly introduce you all advantages and disadvantages and help you find a right material for you and also send you a sample to try out.

How to order the free sample?

When you will reach the final decision which material you want send us an email on to the subject write "Free sample - ..... type of material (here choose granite, marble, ceramic or artificial stone)"

In the body of email send write your name and address so we know where we should sample send to and phone number (PPL require the phone number)

Important! Free samples are send only in Czech republic, if you are interested in sending a sample abroad, call us and we will discuss the conditions.

Try, test, go crazy...sample is yours!

Sample is all yours, you do not have to send it back, so do anything you want to make sure that you have chosen the perfect material for you.